Fall Festival - Ticket

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Fall Festival - Ticket

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$CAD 10.00
Product not available for online purchase


Every weekend in September and October, we celebrate fall at Forget Farm! Plenty of activities are planned… we’re just missing you! 🥳

Here’s what we have in store for you:

  • Giant corn maze - several different routes 🌽
  • Pick-your-own squash and pumpkins 🎃
  • Pick-your-own sunflowers and zinnias (don’t forget to take lots of photos!) 🌻
  • Tractor rides 🚜
  • Visit the Squash Pavilion 🍂
  • Mini-farm with animals 🪿
  • Entertainment and demonstrations at the Pop Factory 🍿
  • Play area for the whole family (activities specially enhanced for the occasion!) 🤸🏼‍♀️
  • Several photo stations all around the site! 📸
  • Picnic area 🧺

Get your tickets directly from our online store or during your visit at the admission silo. 🎟️

Tickets during the Fall Festival (weekends in September):

Adults (13 years and older): $10.00 + tax
Children (3 to 12 years): $8.00 + tax
Children (2 years and under): Free

For any questions, visit our website at https://fermeforget.ca/.