Seasonal pass

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Seasonal pass

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$CAD 22.50
Product not available for online purchase

To allow you to take advantage of all the activities offered during the season, we are now offering you a seasonal pass. This way you will save on your next visits!

As of August, the offer of agrotourism activities is increasing at La Ferme Forget. The season pass allows you to participate in a variety of activities, every day of the week, for the entire 2023 season. Excludes evenings at the farm.


The GIANT corn maze

The Fun Interpretation Area (AIL section) and its content

Access to the fields of

Pick your own flowers (sunflowers and zinnias) Tractor

towers Access to

Pick-your-own fields for berries, squash and pumpkins


mini-animal farm


Step 1:

Select the number of children and the number of adults you want to add to your season pass, then click “Add to cart.” You can then proceed to the payment on our website.

Step 2:

Download the PDF that is linked under this description.

Step 3:

Finally, email us your completed PDF to That way, your season pass will already be ready when you arrive. This will be given to you on site, at the admission silo


Note that you can also check in on site. However, doing it directly by email allows you to avoid the queue!


This season pass DOES NOT PAY for the produce you will harvest in the fields. It gives you access to the various activities offered depending on the season, but you obviously have to pay for each product you bring back from the fields. This is a pass, not a prepaid card or

gift card.

There is no limit on visits. You come as many times as you want!

The pass is not refundable or exchangeable. We are not responsible for non-use on your part, even in case of rain


We are open 7 days a week, from the beginning of June to the end of October. The schedule may vary depending on the weather.

The range of activities is evolving and changing during the season.